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Testing A YouTube Hybrid Offer For The First Time

Sam OceanSeptember 3, 2024

We sold something new: a YouTube hybrid offer.

And we also had our first ‘Champagne Problem.’

It’s the first time I’ve faced anything like this in my career.

Here’s a breakdown of the last 7 days:

  • We closed 2 new deals.
  • One of them has been on my Dream 100 for a decade.
  • I sent a payment link for a 5th deal yesterday.
  • We’re making an offer to two prospects this week.
  • We’re talking with a third prospect we’re excited about.

This brings us to 4 new deals:

  • 1 video test project with a channel at 36k subs.
  • 2 full-stack partners at 9k, 60k, and 940k subs.
  • 1 ‘hybrid offer’ client who’s launching his channel.

All in the last 16 days.

It sounds like a lot of good news, and I feel incredibly lucky that we’ve had such a strong start – especially with the new offer we’re still testing out.

But every win comes with its own set of challenges…

We’ve got our core clients covered. We’re keeping them updated almost daily, building solid systems around their projects, and really getting into the work. I’m a big believer in Charlie Munger’s quote:

“The best marketing is the work on your desk.”

That’s one reason I’m building our agency in the open. It turns our work into our marketing, which makes the whole process easier.

But outside of our client list? Things are getting a bit chaotic.

I found myself scrambling this week, flipping through notes, and doing double-takes just to remember some of the prospects’ names.

My partner and I were on a call, going over all our prospects, and realized we’d forgotten to follow up with a few.

This is what I mean by a Champagne Problem.

It’s the first time I’ve had this much interest coming in without us chasing it.

We haven’t suddenly turned into a giant company or anything. We don’t even have our CRM fully set up yet, which is part of the issue. We’re still deep in the weeds, building systems, and focusing most of our energy on the clients we already have.

But having so many new prospects?

It’s more than I’m used to. It’s not overwhelming, but I can see how this could grow into something much bigger. And honestly, that’s exciting.

We’ve had 16 hot leads since I left my full-time gig 17 days ago – that’s almost one new lead every day.

Here’s where our leads are coming from:

  • Referrals – 2 leads
  • My content – 3 leads
  • My network – 5 leads
  • Cold outreach – 6 leads

We’re going to try to get more organized, but not at the cost of delivering great work for our clients. If marketing and sales get a bit messy, then we’ll just be cooking in a dirty kitchen for a while.

Which leads us to our new hybrid offer…

We found an awesome lead through cold outreach on LinkedIn. He’s a consultant with tons of experience and amazing stories, but no YouTube channel.

Why did he respond to our cold outreach?

He noticed his competitors doing well on YouTube and thought he should be there too. He believed YouTube could give him an edge.

He was already convinced about the power of content and personal branding; he just needed help to get on the platform.

But he wasn’t looking for a long-term, full-service agency deal. He wanted to learn, get some coaching, and then handle things on his own.

So, we came up with our Hybrid YouTube Launch offer.

Phase 1:

We help him set up a fully branded YouTube channel and produce his first four videos – 100% done for you.

We call these first four videos ‘strategic content’ because they’re designed to fill the biggest gaps in his sales process. When prospects find his YouTube channel through other platforms, these videos will guide them further down the funnel.

Plus, he can send these videos directly to prospects to build trust faster.

This gives him a quick boost to his existing business efforts, which is one of the fastest ways to get results on YouTube without having a massive channel.

Phase 2:

Then we move into strategy consulting.

We provide a custom YouTube plan for the next 6 months. This includes ideas for winning videos and tips on how to work with the YouTube algorithm to get more views.

First, we do everything for him for the first 4 weeks to get his channel up and running…

Then, we coach him for 2 more weeks to set him on the right path…

So, the offer includes a fully branded YouTube channel, the first 4 videos fully produced, and a content plan for the following 6 months – delivered in just 6 weeks.

We’re excited about this because it combines our two best services into one, and it’s perfect for someone who doesn’t have a channel yet.

One of our past smaller clients went from getting just 200 views per video to 40,000 views and grew from 500 subscribers to 2,200 in just a couple of weeks after paying us for a strategy.

We’re confident this hybrid approach will deliver great results for our new client.

And here’s what I learned this week:

You don’t need to plan 10 steps ahead.

Just focus on the next step.

This shift in thinking has really helped reduce the stress and anxiety I used to feel when building businesses.

Even with all these leads and prospects, we’re careful not to move faster than our systems can handle.

We’re staying flexible, open to learning, and focused on steady progress.

Our plan now is pretty simple:

1. Focus on our clients.

2. Share our journey.

3. Enjoy the process.

Cheers to the next round of Champagne Problems.

This is Week 2 of building my business in public.

About Sam Ocean

Sam Ocean is a marketer, salsa dancer, and Youtube strategist. His goal is to build a portfolio of YouTube businesses in public and document everything he learns along the way.

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